I had so much fun working on this comic. Bringing back characters that I only do once-a-year, figuring out how the November Couple would look at this point in the pandemic, and figuring out what sort of float the November Couple would have for their wedding.

My friend Tom was a fan of November Guy. So I wanted the balloon to be based on a character that he enjoyed. I had originally thought about it being Toki from Metalocalypse, but then Rick reminded me that Tom loved Green Lantern. Then I had to think about what character the balloon would look like if it was created by someone who couldn’t make a decent giant balloon character.

There’s also some patrons in this comic.

Maleha Khan-Avila is on the far left in that last panel. She’s an awesome immigration lawyer.
CLICK HERE for her Instagram.

Michael Maxwell of Jack of All Nerds is one of the balloon handlers.
CLICK HERE for the Jack of All Nerds website.

Then there’s Ronda Burgundy on the right in the last panel, with that mustache mask that I kind of want.
An awesome burlesque dancer. Her Instagram has gone private, so I’ll have to figure out what link she wants me to post with her comics. But you can CLICK HERE to see one of her performances on YouTube.

If you would like to be featured in a monthly comic strip, CLICK HERE for my Patreon and sign up!

-Jimmy Purcell.