I know that the virtual CHOC Walk is March 20th, but I’m not sure when donations are going to end.
I will be marching around my neighborhood dressed as a clown. Just gotta’ figure out if I want to stream the walk live, post photos. or both. It will be posted in some way.

But if the 1K box opens I’ll have to see if any of my writer buds is interested in writing a parody story of me meeting a shape-shifting clown. The name Nickelsmarts keeps making me laugh though. It really amuses me.

[update] – apparently I’m not that creative. Just googled “Nickelsmarts” and found out other folks have used it as a joke on Pennywise. Why?! They even chose a nickel!

CLICK HERE if you would like to immediately donate.

CLICK HERE if you would like to see what’s in those boxes.

-Jimmy Purcell.